Daily Grammar

Quiz for Lessons 206 - 210

Parts of the Sentence - Verbals

Instructions: Find the verbals in these sentences.

1. The rolling hills seemed to go on forever.

The rolling hills seemed to go on forever.

2. Having grown sleepy, I finally put down my book.

Having grown sleepy, I finally put down my book.

3. The parcel wrapped in brown paper was thought to be a bomb.

The parcel wrapped in brown paper was thought to be a bomb.

4. Hearing the screeching brakes, I rushed to the window.

Hearing the screeching brakes, I rushed to the window.

5. Swimming is not my favorite sport.

Swimming is not my favorite sport.

6. To accept defeat well is often hard.

To accept defeat well is often hard.

7. To go now would be foolish.

To go now would be foolish.

8. Having been invited to attend a party, I hurriedly took a shower.

Having been invited to attend a party, I hurriedly took a shower.

9. The added figure made the price too high.

The added figure made the price too high.

10. Is it time to leave yet?

Is it time to leave yet?

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